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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Overview; The right tool for the job; What is GameMaker Studio 2?; About Game Design; About coding; How to use this book; Additional content; Pricing; Installing GameMaker Studio 2; Installing from YoYo's web site; Windows; Mac; Installing from Steam; Ubuntu; Chapter 2: Hello, World!; Right Sidebar; Sprites; Objects; Events; Code; Tile sets; Fonts; Rooms; Hello, GML!; Create event; Introducing variables; Left Pressed (Mouse) event; Draw; Chapter 3: Card Game (Part 1); The design

A Game Design Document primerMemory GDD; Rules; Game flow; Similar games; Game modes; Target audience; Target system; Assets; spr_cardback; spr_rain; From GDD to development; Cards; Implementation; Array; An array of sprites; if-then-else; switch; Deck; Fantastic data structures and where to find them; Stack; Queue; List; Map; Priority Queue; Grids; Designing decks; Code loops; Repeat; While; Do-until; For; Making decks; Every day I'm shuffling; How do functions function?; GML functions; Shuffle cards code; Chapter 4: Card Game (Part 2); Finite-state Machines (FSMs)

From State machine to codeA matter of time; Play to win!; Chapter 5: Fixed Shooter; History of the genre; Space Gala (GDD); Story and setting; Gameplay; Victory conditions; Controls; Menu; Pacing; Enemies; Game modes; Level 1; Similar games and influences; Target audience; From GDD to the game; Assets; spr_player; spr_bullet_player; spr_life; spr_enemy_red; spr_background; fnt_score; fnt_messages; rm_level_1; Making features, not objects; Movements; Shooting; Designing rm_level_1; Game states; Making HUDs; What about victory?; Menu; Chapter 6: Shoot 'Em Up!; Fixed vs. scrolling shoot 'em up!

Space Gala v.2.0 (GDD)Story and setting; Gameplay; Victory conditions; Controls; Menu; Pacing; Enemies; Game modes; Level 1; Level 2; Similar games and influences; Target audience; Assets; Sounds; Cameras and viewports; Designing color-switching; Inheritance; Color shooting; More enemies; Ain't nothing but the blues; Walkers on paths; Unidentified Flying…Instance!; Super-attack; How to design a good shmup level; Boss fighting; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Designing Bosses; Teaching and experimenting; Motivation!; How can we use this?; Chapter 8: Single-Screen Platformer; Cherry Caves

Story and settingGameplay; Victory condition; Controls; Enemies; Assets; Sprites; Fonts; Sounds; How to create a hero; Setting the boundaries; Everything that goes up comes down; Get a jump on!; Climbing the ladder; Controlling the game flow; HUD; How to die; Cherry-picking; Through cherries, to the star; Level design: The art of creating worlds; Check the jumps; Hard is good, too hard is not; Make it nice; Don't make it too easy!; Designing caves; Level 2!; Chapter 9: Scrolling Platformer; Story and setting; Gameplay; Victory condition; Items; Controls; Enemies; Attack; Miscellaneous

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