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Part I Clustering and Classification
1.1 Cluster Weighted Beta Regression: a simulation study
1.2 Detecting wine adulterations employing robust mixture of Factor Analyzers
1.3 Simultaneous supervised and unsupervised classification modeling for assessing cluster analysis and improving results interpretability
1.4 A parametric version of probabilistic distance clustering
1.5 An overview on the URV Model-Based Approach to Cluster Mixed-Type Data
Part II Exploratory Data Analysis
2.1 Preference Analysis of Architectural Facades by Multidimensional Scaling and Unfolding
2.2 Community Structure in Co-authorship Networks: the Case of Italian Statisticians
2.3 Analyzing Consumers Behaviour in Brand Switching
2.4 Evaluating the Quality of Data Imputation in Cardiovascular Risk studies Through the Dissimilarity Profile Analysis
Part III Statistical Modeling
3.1 Measuring Economic Vulnerability: a Structural Equation Modeling Approach
3.2 Bayesian Inference for a Mixture Model on the Simplex
3.3 Stochastic Models for the Size Distribution of Italian Firms: A Proposal
3.4 Modeling Return to Education in Heterogeneous Populations. An application to Italy
3.5 Changes in Couples Bread-winning Patterns and Wifes Economic Role in Japan from 1985 to 2015
3.6 Weighted Optimization with Thresholding for Complete-Case Analysis
Part IV Graphical Models
4.1 Measurement Error Correction by NonParametric Bayesian Networks: Application and Evaluation
4.2 Copula Grow-Shrink Algorithm for Structural Learning
4.3 Context-Specific Independencies Embedded in Chain Graph Models of Type I
Part V Big Data Analysis
5.1 Big Data and Network Analysis: A combined Approach to Model Online News
5.2 Experimental Design Issues in Big Data. The Question of Bias.

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