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Intro; Preface; Organization; Contents; Invited Talks; Logic, Machine Learning, and Security; 1 Introduction; 2 Logic for Counter-Terrorism; 3 Logic for Explaining Forecasts Generated by Machine Learning Classifiers; 4 Logic for Deceiving Cyber-Adversaries; 5 Conclusion; References; Personal Big Data, GDPR and Anonymization; References; Tutorials; Tutorial: Supervised Learning for Prevalence Estimation; 1 Motivation; 2 Format and Detailed Schedule; References; Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Models of Argumentation; 1 Introduction; 2 Algorithms for Abstract Argumentation

3 Algorithms for Structured ArgumentationReferences; Introduction; Flexible Querying and Analytics for Smart Cities and Smart Societies in the Age of Big Data: Overview of the FQAS 2019 International Conference; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Flexible Querying and Analytics for Smart Cities and Smart Societies in the Age of Big Data: Issues and Challenges; 3 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2019): Overview; 4 Conclusions; References; Flexible Database Management and Querying; Indexing for Skyline Computation; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 3 Algorithms

3.1 BBS3.2 ZSky; 3.3 SkyMap; 3.4 BNL; 4 Experiments; 4.1 Effect of Data Dimensionality; 4.2 Effect of Data Cardinality; 4.3 Effect of Domain Size; 4.4 Real Data; 5 Summary and Conclusion; References; A Simple Data Structure for Optimal Two-Sided 2D Orthogonal Range Queries; 1 Introduction and Preliminaries; 2 The Data Structure; 3 Constant-Delay Enumeration; 4 Discussion; References; Optimizing the Computation of Approximate Certain Query Answers over Incomplete Databases; 1 Introduction; 2 Background; 3 Experimental Evaluation of Approximation Algorithms; 4 Novel Approach

5 Experimental Evaluation of Lazy+6 Conclusion; References; Ontologies and Knowledge Bases; Leveraging Ontology to Enable Indoor Comfort Customization in the Smart Home; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 The FHfFC Smart Home Architecture; 3.1 The Physical Layer; 3.2 HIC: The Home Interface Controller; 3.3 Knowledge Base and Semantic Repository; 4 Use Cases Scenarios; 4.1 Tailoring Indoor Temperature and Humidity Rate; 4.2 Setting Illuminance According to the Activity; 5 Conclusion and Future Works; Acknowledgment; References

Efficient Ontological Query Answering by Rewriting into Graph Queries1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 3 A Rewritable Ontology Language; 4 Rewriting; 5 Conclusions; References; WeLink: A Named Entity Disambiguation Approach for a QAS over Knowledge Bases; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Works; 3 The WeLink Approach; 3.1 Input Pre-processing; 3.2 Candidate Generation; 3.3 Candidate Disambiguation; 4 Experiments and Results; 4.1 Dataset; 4.2 Metrics; 4.3 Results; 4.4 Discussion; 5 Conclusion; References; Argumentation-Based Query Answering

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