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Intro; Preface; Organization; Contents; TinyOS-Based WSN Performance: Default Active Message Layer vs. TKN15.4; 1 Introduction; 2 TinyOS Protocols; 2.1 The Active Message Protocol; 2.2 The TKN15.4 Protocol; 3 Related Works; 4 Industrial Environments Wireless Channel Features; 5 Experiments Methodology; 6 Results; 7 Conclusions; References; Sensor Networks: Enlarging the Attack Surface; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Evolving the Attack Surface; 2.1 DDoS Attacks: From Mirai to a New Potential, Reaper; 2.2 Ransomware to Shutdowns: From Wannacry to CrashOverride; 3 Addressing Security Challenges

3.1 Securing IoT Devices3.2 Securing Communications; 3.3 Awareness, Management and Monitoring; 4 Conclusion; References; On the Performance of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Channel Hopping vs. Channel Adaptive Protocols; 1 Introduction; 2 Review of the IEEE 802.15.4e Standard; 2.1 The DSME Mode; 2.2 Related Research; 3 Considered DSME-Based Protocols; 3.1 CH-DSME; 3.2 CA-DSME; 3.3 H-DSME; 4 Channel Properties; 5 Evaluation Methodology; 6 Results; 7 Conclusions; References; Advanced Infrastructure for Environmental Monitoring and Early-Warning System Integration; Abstract

1 Introduction2 The State of the Art; 3 RainBO Life; 4 The Microwave Rainfall Monitoring Network; 5 Hydrological Models; 5.1 Medium and Large Basins: Random Forest Method; 5.2 Small Basins: Criteria 3D Model; 6 Meteorological Modeling Cosmo-Lami; 7 Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Early-Warning System Integration; 7.1 Microwave Rainfall Monitoring Network Integration; 7.2 Water Hold Capacity Data Integration; 7.3 Forecast Data Integration; 7.3.1 Lami Virtual Sensor Integration; 7.3.2 Random Forest Virtual Sensor Integration; 7.3.3 Criteria 3D Virtual Sensor Integration; 8 Results

9 ConclusionsReferences; On Update Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks; 1 Introduction; 2 Background and Related Work; 2.1 Trickle; 2.2 Deluge; 2.3 Deployment Support Network (DSN); 2.4 Four Step Update Process; 3 Our Approach; 4 Software and Hardware Architecture; 5 Analysis; 5.1 Protocol Overview; 5.2 Calculations
Power Consumption; 5.3 Calculations
Time; 6 Experiments; 6.1 Results
Static Acknowledgement; 6.2 Results
AIMD and AIAD; 7 Conclusion and Further Work; References

Indoor Localization System Using Ultra Low-Power Radio Landmarks Based on Radio Signal Strength and Travel Time1 Introduction; 2 State-of-the-Art; 3 Concept Overview; 4 Hardware Design; 4.1 Handheld Device; 4.2 Low-Power Wake-Up Landmarks; 4.3 Micro-Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU); 5 Localization; 5.1 Problem Setting; 5.2 Range Estimation; 5.3 Node and Standing Positions Localization; 5.4 Handheld Device Localization. Data Fusion; 6 Experimental Results; 7 Conclusion and Future Work; References; Promoting Exercise in Wheelchairs Through Wireless Sensing and Computing in a Mobile App

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