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Logic and Random Graphs.- Unavoidability and universality of digraphs.- Parameterized algorithms for geometric graphs via decomposition theorems.- Subexponential algorithms for variants of homomorphism problem in string graphs.- The 4-Steiner Root Problem.- Hamiltonicity below Dirac's condition.- Maximum Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs: New Results.- Cyclewidth and the Grid Theorem for Perfect Matching Width of Bipartite Graphs.- Local approximation of the Maximum Cut in regular graphs.- Fixed-parameter tractability of counting small minimum (S,T)-cuts.- Fast Breadth-First Search in Still Less Space.- A Turing Kernelization Dichotomy for Structural Parameterizations of F-Minor-Free Deletion.- Flip distances between graph orientations.- Graph functionality.- On Happy Colorings, Cuts, and Structural Parameterizations.- Shortest Reconfiguration of Matchings.- Travelling on Graphs with Small Highway Dimension.- The Power of Cut-Based Parameters for Computing Edge Disjoint Paths.- Geometric Representations of Dichotomous Ordinal Data.- Linear MIM-width of Trees.- Approximating Minimum Dominating Set on String graphs.- Classified Rank-Maximal Matchings and Popular Matchings
Algorithms and Hardness.- Maximum Matchings and Minimum Blocking Sets in Theta-6 Graphs.- A polynomial-time algorithm for the independent set problem in $\{P-#x10;,C-4,C-6\}$-free graphs.- Independent Set Reconfiguration Parameterized by Modular-Width.- Counting independent sets in graphs with bounded bipartite pathwidth.- Intersection Graphs of Non-Crossing Paths.- Reconfiguring Hamiltonian Cycles in L-Shaped Grid Graphs.- Color Refinement, Homomorphisms, and Hypergraphs.- 3-colorable planar graphs have an intersection segment representation using 3 slopes.- The Exponential-Time Complexity of Counting (Quantum) Graph Homomorphisms.- Minimal separators in graph classes defined by small forbidden induced subgraphs.

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