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Intro; Preface; Chapter Organisation; What You Need; Python Versions; Useful Python Resources; Conventions; Example Code and Sample Solutions; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction; Computer Graphics; 2 Introduction to Computer Graphics; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Background; 2.3 The Graphical Computer Era; 2.4 Interactive and Non Interactive Graphics; 2.5 Pixels; 2.6 Bit Map Versus Vector Graphics; 2.7 Buffering; 2.8 Python and Computer Graphics; 2.9 References; 2.10 Online Resources; 3 Python Turtle Graphics; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The Turtle Graphics Library; 3.2.1 The Turtle Module

3.2.2 Basic Turtle Graphics3.2.3 Drawing Shapes; 3.2.4 Filling Shapes; 3.3 Other Graphics Libraries; 3.4 3D Graphics; 3.4.1 PyOpenGL; 3.5 Online Resources; 3.6 Exercises; 4 Computer Generated Art; 4.1 Creating Computer Art; 4.2 A Computer Art Generator; 4.3 Fractals in Python; 4.3.1 The Koch Snowflake; 4.3.2 Mandelbrot Set; 4.4 Online Resources; 4.5 Exercises; 5 Introduction to Matplotlib; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Matplotlib; 5.3 Plot Components; 5.4 Matplotlib Architecture; 5.4.1 Backend Layer; 5.4.2 The Artist Layer; 5.4.3 The Scripting Layer; 5.5 Online Resources

6 Graphing with Matplotlib pyplot6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The pyplot API; 6.3 Line Graphs; 6.3.1 Coded Format Strings; 6.4 Scatter Graph; 6.4.1 When to Use Scatter Graphs; 6.5 Pie Charts; 6.5.1 Expanding Segments; 6.5.2 When to Use Pie Charts; 6.6 Bar Charts; 6.6.1 Horizontal Bar Charts; 6.6.2 Coloured Bars; 6.6.3 Stacked Bar Charts; 6.6.4 Grouped Bar Charts; 6.7 Figures and Subplots; 6.8 3D Graphs; 6.9 Exercises; 7 Graphical User Interfaces; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 GUIs and WIMPS; 7.3 Windowing Frameworks for Python; 7.3.1 Platform-Independent GUI Libraries; 7.3.2 Platform-Specific GUI Libraries

7.4 Online Resources8 The wxPython GUI Library; 8.1 The wxPython Library; 8.1.1 wxPython Modules; 8.1.2 Windows as Objects; 8.1.3 A Simple Example; 8.2 The wx.App Class; 8.3 Window Classes; 8.4 Widget/Control Classes; 8.5 Dialogs; 8.6 Arranging Widgets Within a Container; 8.7 Drawing Graphics; 8.8 Online Resources; 8.9 Exercises; 8.9.1 Simple GUI Application; 9 Events in wxPython User Interfaces; 9.1 Event Handling; 9.2 Event Definitions; 9.3 Types of Events; 9.4 Binding an Event to an Event Handler; 9.5 Implementing Event Handling; 9.6 An Interactive wxPython GUI; 9.7 Online Resources

9.8 Exercises9.8.1 Simple GUI Application; 9.8.2 GUI Interface to a Tic Tac Toe Game; 10 PyDraw wxPython Example Application; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 The PyDraw Application; 10.3 The Structure of the Application; 10.3.1 Model, View and Controller Architecture; 10.3.2 PyDraw MVC Architecture; 10.3.3 Additional Classes; 10.3.4 Object Relationships; 10.4 The Interactions Between Objects; 10.4.1 The PyDrawApp; 10.4.2 The PyDrawFrame Constructor; 10.4.3 Changing the Application Mode; 10.4.4 Adding a Graphic Object; 10.5 The Classes; 10.5.1 The PyDrawConstants Class; 10.5.2 The PyDrawFrame Class

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