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Intro; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Chapter 1: Diagnostic Studies in Workup for Vocal Fold Paralysis: When and Why; Introduction; History and Physical Examination; History for a Patient with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Medical Conditions that Can Cause UVFP; Idiopathic Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Physical Examination for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Laryngeal Examination of the Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Imaging Studies for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Specialized Evaluations for Assessment of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

Palpation of CA Joint: In Office vs in ORLaryngeal Electromyography for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Serologic Studies for the Evaluation of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 2: Timing of Intervention for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Introduction; Terminology; Recovery; Prognosis Versus Probability of Recovery; Functional Status for Voice, Airway Protection, and Respiratory Valving; Benefits of Early Intervention; The 12-Month Rule; The Natural History of Recoverable UVFP; The Takeaway; Does Early Injection Improve Eventual Functional Outcome?

The EvidencePossible Mechanisms; The Takeaway; Decision-Making Regarding Timing of Intervention; Conclusion; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 3: Early Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Factors to Consider when Deciding for Early Treatment; Laryngeal Electromyography; Observation; Voice Therapy; Dysphagia Compensatory Techniques; Temporary Injection Laryngoplasty; Medical Management; Steroids; Nimodipine; Future Medical Treatments; Conclusion; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 4: Management of Dysphagia in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis; Introduction

Swallowing Impairment in UVFPEvaluation of Dysphagia in UVFP; Clinical Assessment; Instrumental Assessment; Treatment of Dysphagia in UVFP; Nonsurgical Therapies; Surgical Therapies; Injection Augmentation; Laryngeal Framework Surgery; Laryngeal Reinnervation; Hypopharyngoplasty; Pharyngoesophageal Segment Surgery; Summary; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 5: Management of Nerve Sacrifice with Thyroidectomy; Preoperative Evaluation; Intraoperative Decision-Making; Preoperative Vocal Fold Dysfunction; Normal Preoperative Function; Vocal Fold Rehabilitation Options; Intraoperative Options

ReanastomosisReinnervation; Clinical Applicability of Options; Early Postoperative Options; Injection Augmentation; Electromyographic Prognostication; Conclusions; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 6: Static Medialization: Fat Injection Versus Medialization Laryngoplasty; Vocal Fold Augmentation with Autogenous Fat; Medialization Laryngoplasty; The Decision-Making Process; Editors' Comments; References; Chapter 7: Choosing the Right Implant; Introduction; Implant Options; Freeform; Autologous Tissues; Silastic; Technique for Silastic; Gore-Tex; Technique for Gore-Tex; Prefabricated; Montgomery Thyroplasty Implant System.

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