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Intro; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Figures; Part I: Narcissism and Selfhood in Context; Chapter 1: Introduction: Narcissus and the Wounded Self; 1.1 Selfhood and the Myth of Narcissus; 1.2 Selfhood and Wounding; 1.3 Overview of This Book; References; Chapter 2: Narcissus and Selfhood: The Lay of Narcissus; 2.1 The Image of the Self: Vision and Truth (Veoir and Voir); 2.2 Wounding Images: Inside and Outside (Dedenz and Dehors); 2.3 Seeing the Self: Je me plaing ("I lament myself"); 2.4 Postscript: The Impossibility of V(e)oir; References; Part II: Selfhood and the Open Wound

Chapter 3: Narcissus and Mourning: Alain de Lille's Plaint of Nature3.1 Narcissus Mourned: The Wounding of Language; 3.2 Narcissus in Mourning: Nature as Wounded; 3.3 Mourning (Un)Done: The (Im)Possibility of Closure; References; Chapter 4: Narcissus and Melancholy: René d'Anjou's Book of the Love-Smitten Heart; 4.1 The Heart of Melancholy; 4.2 Melancholy at the Fountain; 4.3 Melancholy at the Mirror; References; Part III: The Wounded Self as Witness; Chapter 5: Narcissus and Trauma: Chrétien de Troyes's Story of the Grail; 5.1 The Wound and Knowledge (Navrez and Nel Savez)

5.2 Blancheflor's Mirror: Agape and the Courtly Lady5.3 Perceval and the Grail: The Failure of Witnessing; 5.4 Blood on Snow: The Gaze of the Other; 5.5 Blood and the Cross (Seingnier): The Trauma of Salvation; References; Chapter 6: Narcissus and Testimony: Guillaume de Machaut's Fountain of Love; 6.1 Vision and Speech (Mire and Dire): The Echo of Testimony; 6.2 The Testimony of Martyrdom; 6.3 Mute Witness: Testimony at the Fountain; 6.4 Echo's Response: The Joy of Narcosis; References; Chapter 7: Epilogue: Between Je me plaing and Iste ego sum; References; Index

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