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Part I: Mechanisms of Tumor Angiogenesis; Mechanisms of Tumor Angiogenesis; Introduction; Molecular Mechanisms of Angiogenesis; Mechanisms Involved in Blood Vessel Formation; Vasculogenesis; Sprouting Angiogenesis; Alternative Ways of Blood Supply in Tumors; Intussusception; Vasculogenic Mimicry; Biological Processes Involved in Angiogenesis; Sprouting of Blood Vessels and Endothelial Cell Proliferation; Cues that Guide Vessel Navigation; Vessel Remodeling, Stabilization, and Maturation

Regression of Blood Vessels and Endogenous Inhibitors of AngiogenesisThe Angiogenic Switch in Tumorigenesis; Hypoxia and Tumor Angiogenesis; Differences between Physiological and Tumor Neovascularization; Differences between Normal and Tumor Vessels; Conclusion; Cross-References; References; The Role of VEGF in Controlling Vascular Permeability; Introduction; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors (VEGFs) and Their Receptors; Features Regulating Vessel Integrity; Basal Permeability; Endothelial Fenestrations; The Glycocalyx; The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB); The Vesiculo-Vacuolar Organelle (VVO)

Endothelial Junctions in Lymphatic and Blood VesselsBlood Flow Regulation: Implication for Basal Sieving; VEGF-Induced Transient Vessel Leakage; Leakage of Molecules; Leakage of Cells; Vascular Leakage in Disease; Vascular Leakage and Cancer; Vascular Leakage and Myocardial Pathology; Vascular Leakage in Ocular Diseases; Lymphatic Neoangiogenesis and Cancer; Imaging Vascular Flow and Integrity; Perspectives; Acknowledgments; Cross-References; References; Benefits and Pitfalls of Tumor Vessel Normalization; Introduction; Lessons and Questions from Anti-VEGF-A/VEGFR2 Therapy

Hallmarks of Tumor Vessel NormalizationInducing Tumor Vessel Normalization; Benefits of Tumor Vessel Normalization; Pitfalls of Tumor Vessel Normalization; Translational Implications; Challenges for Clinical Application; Summary; Cross-References; References; The Impact of Endothelial Transcription Factors in Sprouting Angiogenesis; Introduction; Pro-angiogenic Transcription Factors; The ETS Family of Transcription Factors: Essential for Endothelial Cell Development; The cAMP Response Element-Binding Transcription Factors; The GATA Family: Highly Expressed in Endothelial Cells

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