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Rabi Bhattacharya, Lizhen Lin: Differential geometry for model-independent analysis of images and other non-euclidean data: recent developments
Federico Camia, Rene Conijn, Demeter Kiss: Conformal measure ensembles for percolation and the FK-Ising model
Colin L. Clark, Larry Winter: Stochastic Hydrogeology: Chuck Newman had a good idea about where to start
Michael Damron, Pengfei Tang: Superlinearity of geodesic length in 2D critical first-passage percolation
Hugo Duminil-Copin, Vincent Tassion: About the slab percolation threshold for the Potts model in dimension d ≥ 4
William G. Faris: Rooted tree graphs and the Butcher group: Combinatorics of elementary perturbation theory
L. R. G. Fontes: A stronger topology for the Brownian web
Alberto Gandolfi: FKG (and other inequalities) via (generalized) FK representation (and iterated folding)
Valdivino V. Junior, Fabio Machado, Krishnamurti Ravishankar: The rumor percolation model and its variations
Leonardo T. Rolla: Site Percolation on a Disordered Triangulation of the Square Lattice
Emmanuel Schertzer, Rongfeng Sun: Perturbations of Supercritical Oriented Percolation and Sticky Brownian Webs.

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