

Ethics before Socrates / Catherine Rowett
Socrates and Sophists / A.G. Long
Plato / James Warren
Aristotle / Michael Pakaluk
Epicureanism and hedonism / Voula Tsouna
Stoicism / Brad Inwood
Ancient skepticism / Katja Maria Vogt
Neo-Platonism / Alexandrine Schniewind
Early Christian ethics / Sarah Byers
Boethius, Abelard and Anselm / John Marenbon
Medieval Jewish ethics / Tamar Rudavsky
Moral philosophy in the medieval Islamicate world / Anna Akasoy
"Christian Aristotelianism"? : Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas / Tobias Hoffmann and Jörn Müller
Duns Scotus and William of Ockham / Tobias Hoffman
Humanism / Sabrina Ebbersmeyer
The Protestant Reformation / Jesse Couenhoven
Descartes's provisional morality / Lisa Shapiro
Hobbes / S.A. Lloyd
The Cambridge Platonists / Sarah Hutton
Bayle / Jean-Luc Solère
Leibniz / Gregory Brown
Spinoza / Steven Nadler
Pascal / Desmond M. Clarke
Locke and Butler / Stephen Darwall
Shaftesbury, Hutcheson and the moral sense / James A. Harris
Hume / Paul Guyer
Smith and Bentham / Craig Smith
Rousseau / Susan Meld Shell
Rationalism and perfectionism / Stefano Bacin
Kant / Jens Timmermann
Fichte / Allen Wood
Hegel / Dudley Knowles
Mill / Christopher Macleod
Schopenhauer / Alistair Welchman
Kierkegaard / R. Zachary Manis
American transcendentalism / Russell B. Goodman
Nietzsche / Lawrence Hatab
Marxism / Jeffrey Reiman
Sidgwick / Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek
Pragmatism / Cheryl Misak
British idealism / Robert Stern
Ethical intuitionism / Philip Stratton-Lake
Husserl and phenomenological ethics / Nicolas de Warren
Ethics in Freudian and post-Freudian psychoanalysis / Edward Harcourt
Noncognitivism: from the Vienna circle to the present day / John Eriksson
The Frankfurt School / Fred Rush
Heidegger / Sacha Golob
Sartre / Sebastian Gardner
French ethical philosophy since the 1960s / Todd May
Wittgenstein's ethics and Wittgensteinian moral philosophy / David Levy
Anti-theory: Anscombe, Foot and Williams / Simon Robertson
Discourse ethics / Peter Niesen
Decision theory / Ben Eggleston
Rawls / Katrin Flikschuh.

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