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Borderlands in the Silver Mines of New Spain, 1540-1660 / Dana Velasco Murillo
Native Informants and the Limits of Portuguese Dominion in Late-Colonial Brazil / Hal Langfur
The Royal Road of the Interior in New Spain: Indigenous Commerce and Political Action / Tatiana Seijas
Borderlands of knowledge in the Estado da Índia (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries) / Ines G. Županov
Franciscan Mysticism on the Northern Frontier of New Spain / Cecilia Sheridan Prieto
Tierra Incognita: Cartography and Projects of Territorial Expansion in Sonora and Arizona, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / José Refugio de la Torre Curiel
Colonization, Mediation, and Mestizaje in the Borderlands of Nineteenth-Century Minas Gerais, Brazil / Izabel Missagia de Mattos
Population and Epidemics North of Zacatecas / Chantal Cramaussel
Shaping an Inter-imperial Exchange Zone: Smugglers, Runaway Slaves, and Itinerant Priests in the Southern Caribbean / Linda M. Rupert
The Virgin of El Zape and Jesuit Missions in Nueva Vizcaya / Clara Bargellini
Trans-Imperial Interaction and the Rio de la Plata as an Atlantic Borderland / Fabrício Prado
Converting the Pacific: Jesuit Networks between New Spain and Asia / Brandon Bayne
Frontier Missions in South America: Impositions, Adaptations, and Appropriations / Guillermo Wilde
Autonomous Indian Nations and Peacemaking in Colonial Brazil / Heather F. Roller
Riverine Borderlands and Multicultural Contacts in Central Brazil, 1775-1835 / Mary Karasch
Conflict, Alliance, Mobility, and Place in the Evolution of Identity in Portuguese Amazonia / Barbara A. Sommer
The Pacific Borderlands of the Spanish Empire / Catherine Tracy Goode
Crafting Landscapes in the Iberian Borderlands of the Americas / Cynthia Radding
Labyrinths of Mestizaje: Understanding Cultural Persistence and Transformation in Nueva Vizcaya / Susan M. Deeds
Fluctuating Frontiers in the Borderlands of Mesoamerica / Fernando Berrojalbiz, Marie-Areti Hers
Indigenous Trade in Caribbean Central America, 1700s-1800s / Alejandra Boza, Juan Carlos Solórzano Fonseca
Impact on the Spanish Empire of the Russian Incursion into the North Pacific, 1741-1821 / Martha Ortega Soto
Interethnic War in Sonora: Indigenous Captains General and Cultural Change, 1740-1832 / José Marcos Medina Bustos, Ignacio Almada Bay
Musical Cultures of the Ibero-American Borderlands / Kristin Dutcher Mann, Drew Edward Davies
The Construction of a Frontier Space: Interethnic Relations in Northern Bolivia / Pilar García Jordán, Anna Guiteras Mombiola
Borderlands of Bondage / Andrés Reséndez
Indigenous Histories in Colonial Brazil: Between Ethnocide and Ethnogenesis / John M. Monteiro
The Spanish Empire's Southernmost Frontiers: from Arauco to the Strait of Magellan / Elizabeth Montanez-Sanabria, María Ximena Urbina Carrasco
Introduction / Danna A. Levin Rojo, Cynthia Radding
Indigenous Diaspora, Bondage, and Freedom in Colonial Cuba / Jason M. Yaremko
Patterns of Food Security in the Prehispanic Americas / Amy Turner Bushnell
/ Danna A. Levin Rojo
The Indian Garrison Colonies of New Spain and Central America / Sean F. McEnroe
Indigenous autonomy and the Blurring of Spanish Sovereignty in the Calchaquí Valley, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Century / Christophe Giudicelli
Connections and Circulation in the Southern Andes from Colony to Republic / Viviana E. Conti.

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