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Biofortification of staple cereals with amino acid, lysin
Biofortification of cereals with iron and zinc
Calcium biofortification in food crops
Iodine biofortification of crops
Iodine biofortification of crops
Pro-vitamin A crops
Folate: biosynthesis, functions and biofortification in crop plant
The role of thiamin in plants and current perspectives in its improvement in crop plants
Vitamins B6, B12, C and E rich crops
Strategies that influence the production of secondary metabolites in plants
Phytate free food-grains
Development of aflatoxin free crops
Reducing acrylamide forming potential of crop plants
Brassica crops with low glucosinolates and rich in anticancer compounds
Biofortification of cassava
Biofortification of millets
Biofortification of maize
Common Bean biofortification
Engineering potato for nutritional enhancement
All roads leading to iron fortification.

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