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Section I. Generalization and the Practice of Everyday Living
Chapter 1. Knowledge and generalization in and through social practice
Chapter 2. Subjectivity, conflictuality and generalization in social practice
Chapter 3. Phenomena driven generalizations in psychology
Chapter 4. Developing a dialectical understanding of generalization: An unfinished dialogue between Vygotsky and Davydov
Section II. Ethical and Aesthetical Compositions of Psychological Generalization
Chapter 5. The Worldliness of the general: Beyond generalization
Chapter 6. Collaborative teleogenetic generalization as intergenerational methodology for co-exploring well-being practices from within institutionalized everyday life
Chapter 7. Caravaggios "The seven works of mercy" and the art of generalization
Chapter 8. Engaging mimetically with the everyday lives of the precariat: Towards an impressionistic social psychology
Chapter 9. What do we see in the streets? The everyday life of the excluded
Section III. Transformative Lines of Situated Generalization
Chapter 10. Ethos and politics of generalization
Chapter 11. Generalizations in situated nexuses
Chapter 12. Analytical strategies of situated alter generalization in psychology of everyday life
Chapter 13. Research as practice: Generalization with prototypes
Chapter 14. Rhythms of problematisation and immersive navigation: Generalization in psychosocial research.

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