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Prologue : before the dawn
pt. 1. Meta-philosophy of early Greek thought: The motif of the dawn, or, On gossip ; The dance of being : contexts of emergence and mytho-poetic horizons ; "War is the mother of all things" : Nietzsche and the birth of philosophy ; Aletheia and being : Heidegger contra Nietzsche ; Philosophy as tragedy (and comedy) : a note on post-structuralism
pt. 2. Tragic thought: The question of the first : Thales and Anaximander ; Recoiling from the abyss : Anaximenes and Xenophanes ; All is flux : Heraclitus of Epheus (535-475 BC) ; Eternal return of the soul : Pythagoras of Samos ; Tragic differing : Parmenides of Elea (early fifth century) ; Love, strife and mind : Empedocles and Anaxagoras ; The divine beauty of chaos : Democritus of Thrace (460-370 BC) ; Plato in the shadow of the sublime
Epilogue : poetics and the matheme : on Badiou.

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