Linked e-resources


Teens and traumatic stress : a toxic combination / Ruth Gerson
Recognition and treatment / Patrick Heppell
Aggression and criminal behavior / Jennifer Cabrera and Jessica Linick
Suicide and self-injury / Gabrielle Carson
Risky behavior and substance use / Sophie de Figueiredo and Moises Rodriguez
School refusal and other academic and behavioral problems in school / Rachel Mandel
Psychosis and dissociation / Ruth Gerson
The implications of trauma for sexual and reproductive health in adolescents / Rebecca Weis, Aron Janssen, and Jeremy Wernick
Trauma and youth with disabilities / Karen Rogers
Acute psychiatric services / Schuyler Henderson and Blake Phillips
School systems / Patrick Heppell
Child welfare and juvenile justice / Patrick Heppell
Medical providers / Alexis Kant Yetwin
Families / Fadi Haddad, and Gabrielle Carson
Improving services for traumatized adolescents through advocacy and systems change / Jeanette Scheid and Cynthia Chu.

