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Source, Control and Transport of Nutrients in the Changjiang River and Its Estuary
Nutrients and their transport in the Changjiang River
The relationships of the nutrients in the Changjiang River estuary and the flow of the Changjiang River water
Budget and control of nitrogen in the Changjiang River catchment and its mouth
Budget and control of phosphorus in the Changjiang River catchment and its mouth
Removal and Transport of Matters in the Changjiang and Yellow River Estuaries
Removal and mass balance of phosphorus and silica in the turbidity maximum
Nutrient dynamics of the upwelling area in the Changjiang estuary
A new method for estimating fine-sediment resuspension ratios in estuaries
The removal of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in the Changjiang estuary
Distributions and removals of nutrients in seawater and interstitial water of the sediments in the Huanghe River estuary
Changes in Nutrients and Its Ecological Responses in the Changjiang River Estuary and Jiaozhou Bay
Responses of a coastal phytoplankton community to increased nutrient input from the Changjiang River
Long-term changes in nutrient structure and its influences on phytoplankton composition in Jiaozhou Bay
Ecological responses of Phytoplankton to nutrient structure of seawater in Jiaozhou Bay
Silica supply and diatom blooms in Jiaozhou Bay
Particulate Organic Carbon and the Composition of Nutrient of Phytoplankton Particulate organic carbon and its composition in Jiaozhou Bay
Nutrient compositions of cultured Thalassiosira rotula and Skeletonema costatum
Differences in nutrient compositions of cultured marine diatoms: different sea
Nutrient composition and biomass of Coscinodiscus asteromphalus in Jiaozhou Bay, China.

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