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Foundations: Affect and the Expression of Emotions on the Internet: An Overview of Current Research
An Obscure Object of Communicational Desire: The Untold Story of Online Chat
Big Social Data Approaches in Internet Studies: The Case of Twitter
Collaboration Between Social Sciences and Computer Science: Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Studying Big Social Data from Online Communities
Critical Internet Studies
Digital Activism Within Post-Fordism: Interventions Between Assimilation and Exclusion
Digital Folklore
Historical Web as a Tool for Analyzing Social Change
How Computer Networks Became Social
Lessons from Internet Art About Life with the Internet
Networks of Change: The Sociology of Network Media
After networks: A theory of online fields
Researching Affordances
Research Programs as a Tool to Map Internet Studies
Science and Medicine on YouTube
Spatial Analysis Meets Internet Research
Combating the Live-Streaming of Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation: A Need for New Legislation
What Media Logics Can Tell Us About the Internet?- Introduction
Telephone Interviewing as a Qualitative Methodology for Researching Cyberinfrastructure and Virtual Organizations
Degree Programs in Internet Studies or Internet Research
Research Ethics, Vulnerability, and Trust on the Internet
Logics and Legacy of Anonymous
Feminized Digital Sociality and Online Philanthropy
Research Centers or Institutes in Internet Research or Internet Studies. Futures: Introduction
Blended Data: Critiquing and Complementing Social Media Datasets, Big and Small
Big Data Approaches to the Study of Digital Media
Big Capta?- Constitutive Surveillance and Social Media
Convergence, Internet, and Net Neutrality Policy: What the Future Holds for the Internet and Online Content
Cryptographic Media
Deep Data: Analyzing Power and Influence in Social Media Networks
Digitally Researching Islam
Disguised Propaganda from Digital to Social Media
Ethics of Social Media Research: State of the Debate and Future Challenges
The Future of Crowdsourcing Through Games
Fuzzy Limits: Researching Discourse in the Internet with Corpora
How to Compare Different Social Media: A Conceptual and Technical Framework
Legislating for Internet "access"-ability
New Media, Religion, and Politics: A Comparative Investigation into the Dialogue between the Religious and the Secular in France and in Vietnam
Nexus Analysis as a Framework for Internet Studies
Lifelogging: Recording Life Patterns Tied to Daily Internet Usage
Paradoxes of the Cyber Party: The Changing Organizational Design of the British Labour Party
Smart Contracts as Evidence: Trust, Records, and the Future of Decentralized Transactions
Affective Flux of Feminist Digital Collectives, or What Happened to the Womens March of 2017
Todays Internet for Tomorrows Cities: On Algorithmic Culture and Urban Imaginaries.

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