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Chapter 1: Understanding Bioeconomy Systems: Integrating Economic, Organisational and Policy Concepts
Chapter 2: Agrobiotechnology: Legal and Economic Aspects of Using GMOs in EU
Chapter 3: Agricultural Biotechnology in the Philippines: Prospects and Challenges
Chapter 4: Biological Control as Tool for Sustainable Development: Increasing the Distribution and Income Generation
Chapter 5: Applications of remote sensing in pest monitoring and crop management
Chapter 6: Biopesticides: Current Status and Future Prospects in India
Chapter 7: From Genetic Modification to Gene Editing: Harnessing Advances in Biology for National Economic Development
Chapter 8: Biotechnology Directive: A Major Step in Biotechnology Patent Law in Europe
Chapter 9: Assessing the Emergence of Bioeconomy in Transition Economies By A Future-Oriented Approach
The Case of Poland
Chapter 10: Enabling Bioeconomy with Offshore Macroalgae Biorefineries
Chapter 11: Integrated Bio-Cycles System for Sustainable and Productive Tropical Natural Resources Management in Indonesia
Chapter 12: Biosynthesized Secondary Metabolites for Plant Growth Promotion
Chapter 13: Potential of bioeconomy in urban green infrastructure
Chapter 14: Vaccines: Biotechnology Market, Coverage and Regulatory Challenges for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Chapter 15: Achieving Sustainable Drug development through CSR: possibility or utopia
Chapter 16: Function of the Medicinal Plants of the Mangroves in a Society of High Marginalization in Tabasco, Mexico
Chapter 17: The Global Economic Impact of Neurodegenerative diseases: Opportunities and Challenges
Chapter 18: Conjugated recombinant Proteins as emerging new drugs
Chapter 19: Economic Importance of Medicinal Plants in Asian Countries
Chapter 20: Chemotherapeutic Drugs and Gallbladder Cancer: Market Potential in India.

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