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Table of Contents
The Strength Deformation Characterization of the Thin Bitumen Films Material
Investigation on use of crumb rubber and bagasse ash in road construction
General Procedure for Pavement Maintenance/Rehabilitation Decisions based on Structural and Functional Indices
Performance Analysis of overlays for Flexible Pavement
Quantifying Effects of Urban Heat Islands: State of the Art
Use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy to Determine the Type and Quantity of Rejuvenator Used in Asphalt Binder
Investigation on use of e-waste and waste plastic in road construction.
Investigation on use of crumb rubber and bagasse ash in road construction
General Procedure for Pavement Maintenance/Rehabilitation Decisions based on Structural and Functional Indices
Performance Analysis of overlays for Flexible Pavement
Quantifying Effects of Urban Heat Islands: State of the Art
Use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy to Determine the Type and Quantity of Rejuvenator Used in Asphalt Binder
Investigation on use of e-waste and waste plastic in road construction.