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Table of Contents
Introduction to Adaptive Filtering
Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering
The Least-Mean-Square (LMS) Algorithm
LMS-Based Algorithms
LMS-Based Algorithms
Conventional RLS Adaptive Filter
Set-Membership Adaptive Filtering
Adaptive Lattice-Based RLS Algorithms
Fast Transversal RLS Algorithms
QR-Decomposition-Based RLS Filters
Adaptive IIR Filters
Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering
Subband Adaptive Filters
Blind Adaptive Filtering
Kalman Filtering
Complex Differentiation
Quantization Effects in the LMS Algorithm
Quantization Effects in the RLS Algorithm
Analysis of Set-Membership Affine Projection Algorithm
Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering
The Least-Mean-Square (LMS) Algorithm
LMS-Based Algorithms
LMS-Based Algorithms
Conventional RLS Adaptive Filter
Set-Membership Adaptive Filtering
Adaptive Lattice-Based RLS Algorithms
Fast Transversal RLS Algorithms
QR-Decomposition-Based RLS Filters
Adaptive IIR Filters
Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering
Subband Adaptive Filters
Blind Adaptive Filtering
Kalman Filtering
Complex Differentiation
Quantization Effects in the LMS Algorithm
Quantization Effects in the RLS Algorithm
Analysis of Set-Membership Affine Projection Algorithm