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Organizations Towards 2030: The Primary Interest of the Economic Entity: The Real Entity Theory and the Primary Interest of the Firm: Equilibrium Theory, Stakeholder Theory and Common Good Theory
The Incentives of a Common Good Based CSR for SDG's Achievement: The Importance of Mission Statement
SDGs Achievement: Commitment, Channels of Action and the Role of Integrated Reporting in the Disclosure Mechanisms
Financial Reporting, Non-Financial Reporting and Sustainability: Challenges and Changes: Harmonization of Non-Financial Reporting Regulation in Europe: A Study of the Transposition of the Directive 2014/95/EU
Corporations' Eco-Consciousness in the New Deal of Non-Financial Information Disclosure System: Preliminary Evidence from Italian and French Practices
The Role of Auditors to Improve Sustainability in Financial Reporting
The Relevance of Public Sector: New Pathways for Sustainable Accounting, Accountability and Performance: Value-Based Healthcare Paradigm for Healthcare Sustainability
Public Sector Accounting and the Sustainability of Public Finance Among Accounting Bases, Harmonization and Flexibility Concerns
The State of the Art of Green Public Procurement in Europe: Documental Analysis of European Practices.

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