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Charles Darwin and the implications of evolution St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals
Environmentalism gaining momentum: Rachel Carson and 'Silent sping' Denis Hayes and Earth Day
Planting trees with Wangari Maathai
In defense of rain forests: Chico Mendes and Bruno Manser Al Gore's fight for the environment
The strong men of environmentalism: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steven Seagal Movie stars and activism
Arne Naess and 'Deep ecology'
Vandana Shiva and traditional agriculture
Ian Kiernan, Rossano Ercolini, and Bea Johnson Pioneers of ecological economics
The Greenpeace story Forerunners of animal advocacy Spokesmen for animals: Peter Singer, Richard Ryder, and Tom Regan
Henry Spira, the hero of animal advocacy
Animal advocates from Central Europe
Albert Schweitzer: The man who loved all living beings Talking animals: The capacity of animal minds
Primatologists Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey and Biruté Galdikas Ingrid
Newkirk, Alex Pacheco, and PETA
John Muir and Yosemite
Aldo Leopold, the founding father of nature conservation
James Lovelock and the Gaia-hypothesis
Their symbol: The giant panda
Scientists involved in conservation and environmentalism
Gerald Durrell: How an amateur naturalist developed into a great conservationist Farley Mowat never cried wolf
David Attenborough, the grand old man of natural history films Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Under the spell of the sea
Paul Watson, the daredevil of conservation
Acknowledgements List of illustrations.

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