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Show me your Account: Detecting MMORPG Game Bot Leveraging Financial Analysis with LSTM
Turn On the Lights: User Behavior in Game Environment Using CPTED
QR Code Watermarking for Digital Images
FSF: Code Coverage-Driven Fuzzing for Software-Defined Networking
DroPPP: A P4 Approach to Mitigating DoS Attacks in SDN
A Secure and Self-Tallying E-Voting System Based on Blockchain
An Extended CTRT for AES-256
A Blind Ring Signature Based on the Short Integer Solution Problem
A Note on the Invisibility and Anonymity of Undeniable Signature Schemes
Zero-Knowledge Proof System for Fully Anonymous Attribute Based Group Signatures from Lattices with VLR
Catching the Phish: Detecting Phishing Attacks Using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNSS)
CAPTCHA Image Generation Using Style Transfer Learning in Deep Neural Network
A New Password Cracking Model with Generative Adversarial Networks
Reversible Data Hiding in Homomorphic Encrypted Images Without Preprocessing
Model Selection for Data Analysis in Encrypted Domain: Application to Simple Linear Regression
Timed-Release Encryption with Master Time Bound Key
Is it Possible to Hide My Key into Deep Neural Network
RC PUF: A Low-Cost and an Easy-to-Design PUF for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
On the Automation of Security Testing for IoT Constrained Scenarios
Cyber Deception in the Internet of Battlefield Things: Techniques, Instances, and Assessments
Secret Sharing on Evolving Multi-Level Access Structure
Strengthened PAKE Protocols Secure Against Malicious Private Key Generator
Efficient Decentralized Random Commitment Key Generation for Mixnet Shuffle Proof
Ring-LWE on 8-bit AVR Embedded Processor
Low-Noise LLC Side-Channel Attack with Perf
Optimized SIKE Round 2 on 64-bit ARM
Shedding Light on Dark Korea: An In-Depth Analysis and Profiling of the Dark Web in Korea
An SGX-Based Key Management Framework for Data Centric Networking
Zero-Knowledge Proof System for Fully Anonymous Attribute Based Group Signatures from Lattices with VLR.

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