

Aboard the International Space Station
September 10th
Tuesday begins
Checking in
8:00 a.m. in New York City
The hijackings
Inside air traffic control
The first plane
The second hijacking
The military gears up
The second plane
Live, on air
At Emma Booker Elementary School, Sarasota, Florida
First reactions in D. C.
American Airlines Flight 77
The third plane
On Capitol Hill
Flight 93 in peril
The World Trade Center evacuation
The FAA makes history
The Trade Center rescue continues
The first collapse
Inside the cloud
Inside the PEOC
The military responds
The fourth crash
Fear at the Pentagon
The first casualty
Around the towers
After the collapse
The rescue at Shanksville
At school in Arlington, Virginia
Aboard Air Force One, somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico
Among those who knew
Escaping the Pentagon
In between collapses
The second collapse
Trapped in the ruins
After the collapse
At the waterfront
Midmorning at the Pentagon
Midmorning at the Capitol
With the Secretary of Defense
At Barksdale Air Force Base
Midday in New York City
Midday in Washington
Airborne, somewhere over the plains
Afternoon in Shanksville
At Mount Weather
At Ground Zero
At the hospitals
The 9/11 generation
At Offutt Air Force Base
Afternoon in America
9/11 at sea
Afternoon at the Pentagon
Airborne en route to Andrews Air Force Base
Evening in Washington
In the Oval Office
The evening of 9/11
The day ends

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