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Part One. Dispatches from the frontline: reflections on teaching the civil rights movement. Who is Fannie Lou Hamer? A movement veteran on teaching civil rights history / Charlie Cobb
"They won't just be reading about history-they'll be living it!": the Anderson Monarchs little league baseball civil rights barnstorming tour / Stephen Bandura
Beyond the master narrative: teaching the civil rights movement to high school students / Adam Sanchez
"I had this black professor at UT": teaching civil rights and black power to white and black college students / Leonard Moore
Part Two. "Bigger than a hamburger": reframing the civil rights movement. Obstacles to freedom: life in Jim Crow America / Stephen Berrey
Freedom rights: reconsidering the movement's goals and objectives / Hasan Kwame Jeffries
The ballot and the bullet: rethinking the violent/nonviolent dichotomy / Christopher Strain
Place matters: the indispensable story of civil rights activism beyond Dixie / Patrick D. Jones
Part Three. "Now that he is safely dead, let us praise him": teaching iconic civil rights people, organizations, and events. Complicating Martin Luther King Jr.: teaching the life and legacy of the movement's most iconic figure / Charles McKinney
Not that kind of tired: Rosa Parks and organizing the Montgomery bus boycott / Emilye Crosby
Freedom is a constant struggle: teaching the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Project / Nicole A. Burrowes and La Tasha B. Levy
Teaching Malcolm X beyond the mythology-by any means necessary / Clarence Lang
The long hot summers of the 1960s: teaching the racial disturbances of the civil rights era / Shawn Leigh Alexander, John Rury, and Clarence Lang
Power to the people: a curriculum for teaching the Black Panther Party and the transition from civil rights to black power / Jakobi Williams
Part Four. "The essence of scholarship is truth": sources for teaching the civil rights movement. Everybody say freedom: using oral history to construct and teach new civil rights narratives / J. Todd Moye
Freedom songs: building a civil rights playlist / Charles L. Hughes
Two thumbs up: movies and documentaries to use (and avoid) when teaching civil rights / Hasan Kwame Jeffries
A rich record: using primary sources to explore the civil rights movement / John B. Gartrell
The revolution was not televised but it is available online: using the SNCC Digital Gateway to tell civil rights history from the bottom-up / Karlyn Forner
Part Five. "Strong people don't need strong leaders": methods for teaching the civil rights movement. Stay woke: teaching the civil rights movement through literature / Julie Buckner Armstrong
"Nonviolence is impossible": role playing in the classroom / Wesley Hogan
California Democracy Schools: a model for teaching civil rights to students of all ages / Michelle Herczog
Walking in their shoes: using #BlackLivesMatter to teach the civil rights movement / Shannon King.

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