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About this volume / Robert C. Evans
Silent censorship and Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Alan Gribben
Censorship in medieval England / Richard Obenauf
Banned, censored, and challenged books : a survey of issues and ideas / Kelly Snyder
Medieval intolerance and modern censorship in the morality play Mankind / Richard Obenauf
Using anything : Flannery O'Connor and banning books / Robert Donahoo
The coming censorship of fiction / Basil Tozer [and others]
"Fighting race calumny" : efforts to censor The birth of a nation / C.E. Bentley, Jane Addams, Mary Childs Nerney
"Hidden things" : self-censorship in the poetry and career of Constantine Cavafy / Robert C. Evans
Banned, bothered, and bewildered : Lady Chatterley's lover / Nicolas Tredell
Interanimations : William S. Burroughs's Naked lunch / Nicolas Tredell
Efforts to ban Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird / Phill Johnson
To kill a mockingbird in Columbus, Indiana : a community divided / Robert C. Evans
Informal censorship : the literary feud between Frank Chin and Maxine Hong Kingston / Liyang Dong
Alison Bechdel's Fun home : the gay graphic memoir as a magnet for censorship / Darren Harris-Fain
A recent attempt at book "censorship" : the Conejo Valley dispute / Robert C. Evans.

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