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The critical role of high quality higher education for national development
Prelude to planning in higher education
Leading change in Pakistan higher education
Afghan higher education : change in a war environment
Bringing national higher education transformation to South Africa
Three cases of institutional transformation in South African strategic planning; The University of Fort Hare, The University of the North, and Peninsula Technikon
Challenges for higher education change in Sierra Leone
Fostering higher education change in Uganda
Madagascar : higher education change thwarted
Ghana : building transformation at the University for Development Studies
The University of Malawi : coalition and team building for effective change
Strategic planning challenges at Kabul Polytechnic University
Implications for leadership and leading transformational change in developing and underdeveloped countries
The nature of transformational change in higher education in underdeveloped and developing countries
Conclusions : what does this suggest for higher education change in underdeveloped and developing countries in the future?

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