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Theoretical Chemistry for Advanced Nanomaterials: Computational and Experimental Approaches
Quantum Chemistry in Perovskite Fluoride and Hydride: Nanoscale Hydride Ion Conduction
Local dielectric constant density analysis of high-k dielectric nanomaterial
Nano-scale first-principles electronic structure simulations of materials relevant to organic electronics
Enabling materials by dimensionality: from 0D to 3D carbon-based nanostructures
Group 13-15 needle-shaped oligomers and nanorods: structures and electronic properties
Computational and Experimental Analysis of Carbon Functional Nanomaterials
Electronic properties of transition metal-benzene sandwich clusters
Si nanpowder for photoluminescence and hydrogen generation materials
New Na+ superionic conductor Narpsio glass-ceramics
Surface characterization of plasma-electrolytic oxidized coatings by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Inter-spin Interactions of Organic Radical Chains in Organic 1D Nanochannels: An ESR Study of the Molecular Orientations and Dynamics of Guest Radicals
If truncated wave functions of excited state energy saddle points are computed as energy minima, where is the saddle point?
Simulating Quantum Dynamics in Classical Nanoscale Environments.

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