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Analysis of the impact of permissions on the vulnerability of mobile applications
On the Relevance of Using Multi-layered Security in the Opportunistic Internet-of-Things
Analysis of Software Vulnerabilities Using Machine Learning Techniques
Africas Multilateral Legal Framework on Personal Data Security: What Prospects for the Digital Environment?
A LoRaWAN coverage testBed and a multi-optional communication architecture for smart city feasibility in developing countries
Effective Management of Delays at Road Intersections using Smart Traffic Light System
Binary Search Based PSO for Master Node Enumeration and Placement in a Smart Water Metering Network
State of Internet Measurement in Africa
A Survey
I2PA, U-prove, and Idemix: An Evaluation of Memory Usage and Computing Time Efficiency in an IoT Context
A Hybrid Network Model embracing NB-IoT and D2D Communications : Stochastic Geometry Analysis
Data Management and IT Applications
Laws and Regulations on Big Data Management: The Case of South Africa
Big Data Processing Using Hadoop and Spark: The Case of Meteorology Data
Mobile health applications future trends and challenges
AmonAI: a students academic performances prediction system
Factors Influencing the Adoption of M-Government: Perspectives from a Namibian Marginalised Community
Recent Approaches to Drift Effects in Credit Rating Models.

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