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Publisher's note
Historical timeline
The importance of social connection: 1. The telephone revolution: making messages immediate and personal (1876-1979); 2. Radio brings the world closer to home: is everybody happy about it? (1900-present); 3. Propaganda and the public welfare: radio goes to war (1900-present); 4. Getting to know people from a distance: television and transparency (1930s-2000s); 5. Changing the face of American politics: elections are not just about issues anymore (1950s-present); 6. Media in the public trust: corporate responsibility and government regulation (1960s-present); 7. Mass media and family life: the TV family, onscreen and off (1970s-present); 8. Mass media's effect on literacy: reading, writing, and the emergence of "media literacy" (1990s-present)
Social media's early promise: 9. The instant messaging revolution: filling the digital written communication gap (1960s-present); 10. Bulletin boards as online forums: the first social networks (1970s-present); 11. Dating online: breaking barriers and reinforcing stereotypes (1960s-present); 12. How social media is changing the publishing industry: blogs into books (1990s-present); 13. Video goes viral: the pros and cons of making visual connections (2000s-present); 14. The creation of communities: why people join social networking sites (1990s-present); 15. Buying into social media: where's the reluctance? (2010s-present); 16. Learning online: how social media is shaping today's education system (2010s-present)

Social media challenges personal & political boundaries: 17. Communities and social segmentation: bubbles and echo chambers (2010s-present); 18. The new approach to job search: is it fair? (2010s-present); 19. You're not alone anymore: privacy in the digital age (2010s-present); 20. The growth
and danger
of fake news: the disinformation deluge (2010s-present); 21. Nowhere to hide: bots and cookies (2010s-present); 22. Voters and social media: the implications for democracy (2010s-present)
The challenges escalate: 23. Cybersecurity: individual and national risks (2010s-present); 24. Social media's impact on wellness: a question of balance (2010s-present); 25. The emergence of anger: hate speech (2010s-present); 26. Social media and family: dividing or uniting? (2010s-present); 27. Social media's influence on the economy: what works? (2010s-present); 28. Pros and cons of media regulation: a privacy bill of rights? (2010s-present); 29. How Americans view social media: an evolving story (2010s-present); 30. Conclusion: the future of the fifth state
Appendixes: Primary & secondary sources; Glossary; Historical snapshots; Bibliography; About the author.

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