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Chapter 1: Dark fermentation and bioelectrochemical systems for enhanced biohydrogen production from palm oil mill effluent: current progress, potentials, and future perspectives
Chapter 2: Spent mushroom substrate as biofertilizer for agriculture application
Chapter 3: Biological treatment of agro-industrial waste
Chapter 4: Proteomics of lignocellulose substrates bioconversion in anaerobic digesters to increase carbon recovery as methane
Chapter 5: Circular economy and agroindustrial wastewater: potential of microalgae in bioremediation processes
Chapter 6: Utilization of agro-waste as carbon source for biohydrogen production: prospect and challenges in Malaysia
Chapter 7: Agro-industrial waste as substrates for the production of bacterial pigment
Chapter 8: Analysis of termite microbiome and biodegradation of various phenolic compounds by a bacterium isolated from the termite gut in louisiana, usa
Chapter 9: Compatible technologies to anaerobic digestion for the integral valorization of organic waste
Chapter 10: Recycling and reuse of ayurvedic pharma industry wastes
Chapter 11: Production of unicellular biomass as a food ingredient from agro-industrial waste
Chapter 12: Cyanobacterial degradation of organophosphorus pesticides
Chapter 13: Microbial identification and extracellular polymeric substances characterization of aerobic granules developed in treating rubber processing waste water
Chapter 14: Granulation and biodegradation by microbial species in granular sequencing batch reactor for soy-sauce wastewater treatment.

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