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Chapter 1. Selective Attention Beyond Activity: Robert Kilwardbys Theory of Perception (Elena Baltuta)
Chapter 2. From Agent to Active Sense: Was there an Agustinianism-Averroisant? (Jose Filipe da Silva)
Chapter 3. Cognition as Intellectual Constitution: Dietrich of Freiberg in Discussion with Thomas Aquinas (Veronique Decaix)
Chapter 4. Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias on Active Intellectual Cognition (Frans de Haas)
Chapter 5. Explaining Sherlocks Glance: On the Perception of Historical Past (Vincent Grondin)
Chapter 6. Epistemic Responsibility in an Occasionalist World: Malebranches Theory of Judgement (Stephan Schmid)
Chapter 7. A Note on Stumpfs History of Active Intellection (Hamid Taieb)
Chapter 8. Three Jesuit Accounts of Cognition: Differences and Common Ground in the De anima Commentaries by Maldonado, Toledo and Dandini (1564-1610) (Anna Tropia).

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