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Foreword - A brief history of Spermatology
Part I: Overview
Chapter 1: Overview of reproduction systems in aquatic animals
Part II: Basic knowledge of male gametes in aquatic animals
Chapter 2: Introduction to sperm motility of aquatic animals
Chapter 3: Sperm activation and chemotaxis of invertebrates
Chapter 4: Fish sperm activation
Chapter 5: Sperm guidance in Teleosts
Part III: Basic knowledge of female gametes and sperm-egg interaction in aquatic animals
Chapter 6: Structure of mature oocytes
Chapter 7: Oocyte maturation and fertilization in Mollusks and other Protostomes
Chapter 8: Reproduction of the corals Acropora
Chapter 9: Self- and nonself-recognition of gametes in Ascidians
Chapter 10: Reproduction of Elasmobranchs
Chapter 11: Fertilization in Amphibians
Part IV: Behavior, ecology and reproductive strategies
Chapter 12: Sperm motility and fertilization of sea urchins
Chapter 13: Behavior and fertilization of Squids
Part V: Biotechnology in aquatic species
Chapter 14: Improvements on the reproductive control of the European eel
Chapter 15: Sperm cryopreservation of aquatic species
Chapter 16: Germ cells transplantation in Sturgeon
Chapter 17: Germ cell transplantation in tuna.

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