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Table of Contents
But Why Was Spinoza a Necessitarian? / Charles Huenemann
Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion / Carlos Fraenkel
Spinoza and Descartes / Tad M. Schmaltz
Spinoza on Mind / Olli Koistinen
Spinoza on Skepticism / Dominik Perler
The Building Blocks of Spinoza's Metaphysics: Substance, Attributes, and Modes / Yitzhak Melamed
The Intellectual Love of God / Steven Nadler
From Maimonides to Spinoza: Three Versions of an Intellectual Transition / Kenneth Seeskin
Representation, Misrepresentation, and Error in Spinoza's Philosophy of Mind / Don Garrett
Finite Subjects in the Ethics: Spinoza on Indexical Knowledge, the First Person and the Individuality of Human Minds / Ursula Renz
The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Spinoza / Martin Lin
The Metaphysics of Affects or the Unbearable Reality of Confusion / Lilli Alanen
Leibniz's Encounter with Spinoza's Monism, October 1675 to February 1678 / Mogens Lærke
Nietzsche and Spinoza: Enemy-Brothers / Yirmiyahu Yovel
Spinoza's Unorthodox Metaphysics of the Will / Karolina Hübner
Spinoza's Political Philosophy / Michael A. Rosenthal
The Highest Good and Perfection in Spinoza / John Carriero
Eternity / Chantal Jaquet
Playing with Fire: Hume, Rationalism, and a Little Bit of Spinoza / Michael Della Rocca
Spinoza and the Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Motion, and Being / Eric Schliesser
Spinoza's Relevance to Contemporary Metaphysics / Samuel Newlands
The Virtues of Geometry / Aaron Garrett
Kant and Spinoza Debating the Third Antinomy / Omri Boehm
/ Paul Franks
Spinoza's Afterlife in Judaism and the Task of Modern Jewish Philosophy / Michael L. Morgan
Literary Spinoza / Rebecca Goldstein
Introduction / Michael Della Rocca.
Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion / Carlos Fraenkel
Spinoza and Descartes / Tad M. Schmaltz
Spinoza on Mind / Olli Koistinen
Spinoza on Skepticism / Dominik Perler
The Building Blocks of Spinoza's Metaphysics: Substance, Attributes, and Modes / Yitzhak Melamed
The Intellectual Love of God / Steven Nadler
From Maimonides to Spinoza: Three Versions of an Intellectual Transition / Kenneth Seeskin
Representation, Misrepresentation, and Error in Spinoza's Philosophy of Mind / Don Garrett
Finite Subjects in the Ethics: Spinoza on Indexical Knowledge, the First Person and the Individuality of Human Minds / Ursula Renz
The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Spinoza / Martin Lin
The Metaphysics of Affects or the Unbearable Reality of Confusion / Lilli Alanen
Leibniz's Encounter with Spinoza's Monism, October 1675 to February 1678 / Mogens Lærke
Nietzsche and Spinoza: Enemy-Brothers / Yirmiyahu Yovel
Spinoza's Unorthodox Metaphysics of the Will / Karolina Hübner
Spinoza's Political Philosophy / Michael A. Rosenthal
The Highest Good and Perfection in Spinoza / John Carriero
Eternity / Chantal Jaquet
Playing with Fire: Hume, Rationalism, and a Little Bit of Spinoza / Michael Della Rocca
Spinoza and the Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Motion, and Being / Eric Schliesser
Spinoza's Relevance to Contemporary Metaphysics / Samuel Newlands
The Virtues of Geometry / Aaron Garrett
Kant and Spinoza Debating the Third Antinomy / Omri Boehm
/ Paul Franks
Spinoza's Afterlife in Judaism and the Task of Modern Jewish Philosophy / Michael L. Morgan
Literary Spinoza / Rebecca Goldstein
Introduction / Michael Della Rocca.