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Civil War to the twentieth century: 1865-1900
River Rats, Yankees, Evas, and war: 1901-18
New beginnng, Depression, and lights out: 1919-31
Ball-fakes, Bees, and battles: 1932-45
Home of the Braves: 1946-57
Field, the search, the Esox and the global flop: 1958-69
Epilogue: Global disaster and AAA triumph: 1970 and beyond.
River Rats, Yankees, Evas, and war: 1901-18
New beginnng, Depression, and lights out: 1919-31
Ball-fakes, Bees, and battles: 1932-45
Home of the Braves: 1946-57
Field, the search, the Esox and the global flop: 1958-69
Epilogue: Global disaster and AAA triumph: 1970 and beyond.