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About the Book
About the Author
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
Research Methods and Data
Chapter 2: Current Debates and Theoretical Arguments
Section 1: Explaining Growth: Liberalism vs. Institutionalism
Liberalism and the Korean Political Economy
Institutionalism and the Korean Political Economy
Section 2: Explaining Change: Differentiation Within Developmental State Theory
Dissolution of Developmentalism
Continuity of Developmentalism

Section 3: Theoretical Alternative and Analytical Framework
Classification of the Types of Capitalism
Liberal Capitalism
Corporatist Capitalism
State-Led Capitalism
Differentiation Within State-Led Capitalism
Governance Method: Dirigisme vs. Enabling State
Developmental Strategies
Politics of Evolution
Chapter 3: Characteristics of Korean Economic Growth
Section 1: Economic Growth Based on Manufacturing Exports
Section 2: From Finished Product Industry to Components and Materials Industry

Section 3: From Input-Driven Economy to Innovation-Driven Economy
Chapter 4: The Traditional Korean Political Economic Model
Section 1: State-Business Relations
Establishment of State-Led Economic Development Strategy
Selective Industrial Policy
Capacity of Developmental States: Policy Instruments
Domestic Capital Mobilization
Raising Foreign Capital
Closed and Centralized Policy Decision-Making
Exclusiveness and Non-institutionalization of the Decision-Making Process
Role of the Economic Planning Board
Governance of Monetary and Financial Policy

Economic Nationalism
Section 2: Traditional Interfirm Relations in Korea
Characteristics of the Korean Components Procurement System
Large Firms' Strategies: Internalization and Import of Core Components
Limited Role of Component Companies
Limited Interfirm Cooperation
Relative Underdevelopment of the Components Industry
Chapter 5: Change and Continuity of the Korean Developmental Model
Section 1: State-Firm Relations
Changes in Industrial Policy Strategies and Means
Change in Growth Strategy: From Input-Driven to Innovation-Driven

Expansion of Policy Partners
Changes in Policy Governance: Authoritarian to Comprehensive/Democratic
Changes in Policy Instruments
Continuity of the Developmental State
State Coordination at the Macro Level
State Coordination at the Micro Level
Strategic and Selective Industrial Policy
Policy Instruments: Policy Finance, Tax Benefits
Section 2: Interfirm Relations
Continuity: Large Corporation-Centered Market Organization
Change: Interdependent Collaboration in Business Relations
Long-Term Transactions
Interfirm Collaboration
Interfirm Reliability

Growth of Components and Materials Companies

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