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Chapter 1. Wrong: The Adolescence of an Iconoclast
Chapter 2. Sturm und Drang: Rimbaud and Sade
Chapter 3. A Poetics of Dissociability: The Punk Poets of Los Angeles
Chapter 4. "I'm Yours": Frank O'Hara, Paul Goodman, and The Tenderness of the Wolves
Chapter 5. Safe and the Aesthetics of Distance
Chapter 6. "If there actually is such a thing as New Narrative..."
Chapter 7. "Fuck Sexual Conformity": Anarcho-Homo Radicalism in the 1980s
Chapter 8. The George Miles Cycle
Chapter 9. JT LeRoy/My Loose Thread: "I had no other choice"
Chapter 10. The Automated and The Eerie: Collaborations with Gisèle Vienne
Chapter 11. Dennis Cooper's Blog
Chapter 12. Reading for Queer Subculture in The Marbled Swarm: A Novel
Chapter 13. Asignifying Desire: HTML Novels and Feature Films
Afterword: Starting with Friendship.

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