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Chapter 1 A Brief History of Bioethics in Japan
Chapter 2 Brain-death and organ transplantation: The first Japanese Path
Chapter 3 Informed Consent, Familism, and the Nature of Autonomy
Chapter 4 End-of-Life Care, Advance Directives, Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment, and The Goals of Medicine
Chapter 5 The Moral Status of the Embryo: The Second Japanese Path
Chapter 6 The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Chapter 7 Outcome egalitarianism and opportunity egalitarianism
Chapter 8 Research Regulations, Ethics Committees, and Confronting Global Standards
Chapter 9 Modern Medical Professionalism
Chapter 10 What does it mean to be truly "interdisciplinary"?
Chapter 11 Rebirthing Bioethics: Going Global.

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