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Part I Understanding the Interplay Between Health and Education in Child Development
1 A Preview of How Health and Education Interact to Influence the Course of a Child's Development
Introduction: Why the Relationship Between Health and Education is Important
The Health-Education Nexus and How it Influences the Development Trajectories of Young People
Innovative Concepts and Methodological Understanding in the Interplay Between Health and Education
Perinatal, Family and Developmental Factors that Predict a Child's Health and Education Outcomes

Aspects of the Health-Education Nexus During the Early Schooling Years
The Role of Education in Identity, Choice and Health During Adolescence
Understanding the Diverse Elements that Shape the Nexus Between Health and Education
2 Social Determinants of Health and Education: Understanding Intersectionalities During Childhood
Conceptual Understandings of Health, Learning and Their Social Determinants
Conceptual Understandings of Health Inequalities
The Role of Learning Beyond Schooling
The Health Benefits of Learning

Social Determinants of Health
Situating Social Determinants in the Context of Global Inequalities
Global Inequalities in Early Life
Intergenerational Transmission of Opportunities
Intersectionalities of Disadvantage
Theoretical Foundations for Understanding the Social Determinants of Health and Learning Inequalities
3 The Importance of Physical Health: The Impact of Otitis Media on Hearing Loss and Education Outcomes
Impact of Hearing Loss/Auditory Processing Problems
Acoustic and Visual Environments
Thinking Listening Skill

Educational Opportunity and Hearing Loss
Psychosocial Effects of Hearing Loss
Not Being Understood
Negative Synergies When Many Have Hearing Loss
Successful Communication Despite Hearing Loss
Directions and Viable Solutions
Collaboration Between Health and Education
Early Identification
Population Health and Well-Being
Part II Perinatal to Preschool: Health and Development During the Early Years
4 Attachment Security: Influences on Social and Emotional Competence, Executive Functioning and Readiness for School
Being Ready for School

Attachment Theory
Early Attachment and Later Development
Individual Differences in Attachment
Caregiving Behaviours that Promote Secure Attachment
Temperament-The Neurobiological Underpinnings of Children's Regulation
How Does Sensitive Caregiving Influence Temperament and Promote Self-regulation?
Early Brain Plasticity
Research Support for Associations Between Attachment, Child Regulation and School Readiness
Caregiving and Self-regulation
Caregiving and Child Social Cognitive and Relational Capacities
Attachment in Cultural and Family Context

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