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Machine generated contents note: 1. Conceptualising 'materialities of care': making visible mundane material culture in health and social care contexts (Christina Buse, Daryl Martin and Sarah Nettleton) 2. Materialities of mundane care and the art of holding one's own (Julie Brownlie and Helen Spandler) 3. Thinking with care infrastructures: people, devices and the home in home blood pressure monitoring (Kate Weiner and Catherine Will) 4. The art and nature of health: a study of therapeutic practice in museums (Gemma Mangione) 5. Exchanging implements: the micro-materialities of multidisciplinary work in the operating theatre (Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Marcus Sanchez-Svensson and Maxim Nicholls) 6. Placing care: embodying architecture in hospital clinics for immigrant and refugee patients (Susan E. Bell) 7. Private finance initiative hospital architecture: towards a political economy of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (Paul Jones) 8. Dressing disrupted: negotiating care through the materiality of dress in the context of dementia (Christina Buse and Julia Twigg) 9. Family food practices: relationships, materiality and the everyday at the end of life (Julie Ellis) 10. Becoming at home in residential care for older people: a material culture perspective (Melanie Lovatt) 11. Afterword: materialities, care, 'ordinary affects', power and politics (Joanna Latimer) Index.

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