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Part I
Mobile-based Privacy & Security
Shared Images and Camera Fingerprinting May Lead to Privacy Issues
Presentation Attacks in Mobile and Continuous Behavioral Biometric Systems
Personalized Data Minimization Assurance using Bluetooth Low Energy
Part II
Mobile-based Biometric Technologies
On Designing a Forensic Toolkit for Rapid Detection of Factors that Impact Face Recognition Performance when Processing Large Scale Face Datasets
Classification of Soft Biometric Traits when Matching Near-Infrared Long-range Face Images against their Visible Counterparts
Quality and Match Performance Analysis of Band-Filtered Visible RGB Images
Unconstrained Face Recognition using Cell Phone Devices: Faces in the Wild
Face Detection in MWIR Spectrum
Part III
Mobile-based Active Authentication
Mobile Active Authentication based on Multiple Biometric and Behavioral Patterns
Quickest Multiple User Active Authentication
Iris Recognition on Mobile: Real-Time Feature Extraction and Matching in the Wild
A Protocol for Decentralized Biometric-based Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystem
Towards Wider Adoption of Continuous Authentication on Mobile Devices.

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