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Part 1
1. Putting ASP.NET Core into Context
2. Getting Started
3. Your First ASP.NET Core Application
4. Using the Development Tools
5. Essential C# Features
6. Unit Testing ASP.NET Core Applications
7. SportsStore
8. SportsStore: Navigation Cart
9. SportsStore: Completing the Cart
10. SportsStore: Adminstration
11. SportsStore: Security Deployment
Part 2
12. Understanding the ASP.NET Core Platform
13. Using URL Routing
14. Using Dependency Injection
15. Using the Platform Features, Part 1
16. Using the Platform Features, Part 2
17. Working with Data
Part 3
18. Creating the Example Project
19. Creating RESTFul Web Services
20. Advanced Web Service Features
21. Using Controllers with Views
22. Using Controllers with Views, Part 2
23. Using Razor Pages
24. Using View Components
25. Using Tag Helpers
26. Using the Built-In Tag Helpers
27. Using the Forms Tag Helpers
28. Using Model Binding
29. Using Model Validation
30. Using Filters
31. Creating Form Applications
Part 4
32. Creating the Example Application
33. Using Blazor Server, Part 1
34. Using Blazor Server Part 2
35. Advanced Blazor Features
36. Blazor Forms and Data
37. Blazor Web Assembly
38. Using ASP.NET Core Identity
39. Applying ASP.NET Core Identity.

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