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A brief look into the origins of fish welfare science
Ethics and the welfare of fish
The diverse world of fishes
Fish behaviour: Determinants and implications for welfare
The effects of early life experience on behavioural development in captive fish species
Fish brains: Anatomy, functionality, and evolutionary relationships
Inside the fish brain: Cognition, learning and consciousness
Awareness in fish
The predictive brain: Perception turned upside down
Can fish experience pain?
How fish cope with stress?
Individual variations and coping style
Assessing fish welfare in aquaculture
Welfare of farmed fish in different production systems and operations
Ornamental fish and aquaria
Fish as laboratory animals
Catch welfare in commercial fisheries
Fish welfare in capture-based aquaculture (CBA)
Fish welfare in recreational fishing
Impacts of human-induced pollution on wild fish welfare
What have we learned?

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