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Chapter 1. Introduction: Bioregional planning. Relocalizing cities and communities for a post oil civilization
Chapter 2. A bioregional Bridge Across the Urban Rural-Divide
Part I: Rethinking places for community life
Chapter 3. The urban bioregion in the territorialist approach
Chapter 4. Rearticulating the economy from the local level: towards an economy rooted in caring for life. Chapter 5. Bioregion and spatial configurations. The co-evolutionary nature of the urban ecosystem. Chapter 6. Social justice in spatial planning: which contribution of bioregionalism?
Part II: Fields for (re)framing planning in bioregional sense
Chapter 7. Bioregional Planning and Biophilic urbanism
Chapter 8. Co-evolutionary recovery of the urban/rural interface: policies, planning and design issues for the urban bioregion
Chapter 9. Agriurban commons. Which resistance and adaptation processes to metropolization?
Chapter 10. Rural-urban relations as assemblages: a conceptual framework for urban food policies
Chapte 11. Looking forward: some opportunities and challenges for bioregional planning in current policies and planning framework
Chapter 12. Short Glossary.

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