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Augmented Cognition in Learning
Assessing Intravenous Catheterization Simulation Training of Nursing Students Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRs)
Using fMRI to Predict Training Effectiveness in Visual Scene Analysis
Synthetic Expertise
The Expertise Level
The Dark Sides of Technology
Barriers to Work-Integrated Learning
Exploring the Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality on Learning Outcomes: A Two-Path Model
Flip-Flop Quizzes: A Case Study Analysis to Inform the Design of Augmented Cognition Applications
Metastimuli: an Introduction to PIMS Filtering
How Gamification Increases Learning Performance? Investigating the Role of Task Modularity
Increasing Engagement in a Cyber-Awareness Training Game
Augmented Cognition for Well-being, Health and Rehabilitation
Acceptability and Normative Considerations in Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Virtual Reality
Feedback Control for Optimizing Human Wellness
The Case for Cognitive-Affective Architectures as Affective User Models in Behavioral Health Technologies
Gathering Peoples Happy Moments from Collective Human Eyes and Ears for a Wellbeing and Mindful Society
Examination of Stammering Symptomatic Improvement Training using Heartbeat-linked Vibration Stimulation
Guided Mindfulness: Using Expert Schemas to Evaluate Complex Skill Acquisition
An Overview of Virtual Reality Interventions for two Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Intellectual Disabilities and Autism
Human Cognition and Behavior in Complex Tasks and Environments
Effect of Robotic Surgery Simulators in Training Assessed by Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRs)
Preparing for Cyber Crisis Management Exercises
Tracking Technostress: A Task-Interruption of Data Entry Study
Enhancing Reality: Adaptation Strategies for AR in the Field
Confronting Information Security's Elephant, the Unintentional Insider Threat
Adapting Interaction to Address Critical User States of High Workload and Incorrect Attentional Focus
an Evaluation of Five Adaptation Strategies
Information-Theoretic Methods Applied to Dispatch of Emergency Services Data
Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Planning Assistance System in Manned Unmanned Teaming Missions
Cognitive Variability Factors and Passphrase Selection"
Variable Self-efficacy as a Measurement for Behaviours in Cyber Security Operations
Probing for Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Cognitive Interaction with Cybersecurity Events
Tracking and Improving Strategy Adaptivity in a Complex Task
Computing with Words in Maritime Piracy and Attack Detection Systems
Modeling User Information Needs to Enable Successful Human-Machine Teams: Designing Transparency for Autonomous Systems
The Role of Gaze as a Deictic Cue in Human Robot Interaction.

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