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The Uncertain World of Adult Literacy: Reflections on Twenty-Five Years of Building Action Research Networks in North America / B. Allan Quigley
Learning to Talk (Dialogically) at School: Creating the Discourse Conditions for Successful Collaborative Action Research / Heather Lotherington
Looking Back and Looking Forward: A Retrospective and Prospective of Action Research and Physical Education in the Twenty-First Century / Daniel B. Robinson
Roots and Wings: The Teacher Action Research Movement in Manitoba / Francine Morin
Teachers as Researchers and Research Users / Daniel A. Laitsch
Action Research by a Classroom Teacher: Professional Development at Its Best / Zoe Donoahue
Grassroots, Pioneers, Indigenization, and More: Why Action Research Just Makes Good Sense in Saskatchewan / Sheena Koops
Suicide Is (Never) Painless: Teachers' Experiences on the Edge of Life and Death / Peter Gouzouasis and Anita Prest
Emotional Labour in Collaborative Action Research: The Power of Feeling in Critical Language Education / Sunny Man Chu Lau
Teacher Candidates' Relationships to Knowledge and to Their Practices for Critical and Activist STSE Education / Sarah El Halwany, Majd Zouda, Chantal Pouliot, and Larry Bencze
The Role of Action Research Tools in Facilitating Teacher Professional Learning: An Activity Theory Analysis / Karen Goodnough
Leadership Development through Action Research: The Journey of One School District toward Collaboration, Inquiry, and Professional Learning / Pamela Adams
Mathematics and Collaborative Action Research: Findings and Considerations of Two Large-Scale Canadian Studies / Cathy Bruce and Tara C. Flynn
Performing Participatory Action Research: Stepping Forth out of Leadership / Lynn Fels
Ethics and Politics in Participatory Action Research with Youth in Education Contexts / Linda Eyre
Challenges to Equity-Based Teacher Education Initiatives: Practicum Dilemmas of Teacher Candidates / Manu Sharma
PAR at the Crossroads: Prospects and Possibilities / Steven Jordan.

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