

Dentistry's role in assessing and managing controlled substance risk: historical overview, current barriers, and working toward best practices / Shuchi Dhadwal, Ronald J. Kulich, Priyanka Monga, and Michael E. Schatman - Patient interviewing strategies to recognize substance use, misuse, and abuse in the dental setting / Michael E. Schatman, Ellen Patterson, and Hannah Shapiro - Special screening resources: strategies to identify substance use disorders, including opioid misuse and abuse / David A. Keith and María F. Hernádez-Nun̆o de la Rosa - Managing acute dental pain: principles for rational prescribing and alternatives to opioid therapy / Shehryar Nasir Khawaja and Steven John Scrivani - Common conditions in relation to controlled substance abuse / Matthew Fortino, Ronald J. Kulich, Joshua A. Kaufman, and Hudson Franca - Assessment and management of high-risk dental patient with active substance use disorder / Archana Viswanath, Antje M. Barreveld, and Matthew Fortino - Brief motivational intervention: strategies for successful management of complex, nonadherent dental patients / Michael E. Schatman, Hannah Shapiro, María F. Hernádez-Nun̆o de la Rosa, and Vanak Huot - Interprofessional collaboration in the assessment and management of substance use risk / Ronald J. Kulich, David A. Keith, Alexis A. Vasciannie, and Huw F. Thomas
Special high-risk populations in dentistry: the adolescent patient, the elderly patient, and the woman of childbearing age / Jennifer Magee, Britta E. Magnuson, and Donavon Khosrow K Aroni
Opioid prescribing in dental practice: managing liability risks / David A. Keith, Ronald J. Kulich, Alexis A. Vasciannie, and Richard S. Harold.

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