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Part I Where Politics Meets Theology Under Pope Francis
1. Eluding Established Categories: Toward an Understanding of Pope Francis
2. How the Theological Priorities of Pope Francis Inform His Policy Goals
3. The First Jesuit Pope: The Contribution of His Jesuit Charism to His Political Views
4. Eternal Law and Environmental Policy: Pope Francis, Laudato Si', and a Thomistic Approach to Climate Change
5. Love the Prisoner, Ban the Substance: Pope Francis and the War on Drugs
6. "To Show Concern": Early Coverage of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis in the American National News Media
Part II The Global Politics of Pope Francis
7. Pope Francis as a Global Policy Entrepreneur: Moral Authority and Climate Change
8. The Pope and the United States: Faith as Dialogue
9. The Pope and Europe: Sign o' the Times: Does Francis's Papacy Represent a New Era for Western Europe?
10. The Pope and Latin America: Mission from the Periphery
11. The Pope and Asia: Building Bridges
Reconciliation with the People's Republic of China
12. Pope Francis and India: Mutual Enrichment and Challenges
13. "You Are Instead a Gift": Pope Francis's Response to Global Migration and the Refugee Crisis.

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