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1. Introduction
Kyle Wiggins
2. Wakening?The Eyes of Dreamers?: Revenge in Carson McCullers's The Ballad of the Sad Café
Lisa Hoffman-Reyes
3. Toni Morrison's Beloved: A Tragedy of Revenge and Reparation
Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem
4. Masculinity in Don DeLilllo's White Noise: Mapping the Self, Killing the Other
Michael James Rizza
5. From Revenge to Restorative Justice in Louise Erdrich's The Plague of Doves, The Round House, and LaRose
Seema Kurup
6. The Great (White) Wail: Percival Everett's The Water Cure and Thomas Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia
Beth A. McCoy
7. The Modern American Revenge Story
Kyle Wiggins
8.?What if nature were trying to get back at us??: Animals as Agents of Nature's Revenge in Horror Cinema
Michael Fuchs
9. A Cinema of Vengeance: Vietnam Veterans, Traumatic Recovery, and Historical Revisionism in 1980s Hollywood
Marc Diefenderfer
10. Vengeance is Mine: Gender and Vigilante Justice in Mainstream Cinema
Paul Doro
11.?Revenge, at first though sweet, / Bitter ere long back on itself recoils:? Patriarchy and Revenge in Unforgiven and True Grit
Jim Daems
12. Tearing Down the Eiffel Tower: Post-9/11 Fears and Fantasies in Taken
Terence McSweeney.

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